Sunday, 25 June 2017

My Big Sister

This will be more personal than usual but this is important to me. I'll make it brief.

Yesterday I had to say goodbye to my sister, my best friend, my role model, and my inspiration. My older sister Marie had passed away unexpectedly while on vacation in Cuba late May. She was finally laid to rest yesterday.

My sister (who I called Ate [ah-teh]) was the one that inspired me to do art. When I was younger I was extremely jealous of her ability to draw and be creative. I wanted to be like her. She made me interested in art and without her I wouldn't be the creative person I am today. I will always remember the times when we were younger and we would draw short comic strips together. 

I was lucky enough to watch the Family Day screenings of my year's thesis films with just her. I won't ever forget how happy, excited, and proud she was of me achieving my dream of becoming an animator after seeing my film. Her tears of joy meant a lot to me. I feel content knowing she had the opportunity to see what I've accomplished so far and be proud of me.

I'll be doing big things very soon and experiencing it without her will not be the same.

I'll make you even more proud Ate, you just wait.

Rest in peace and say hi to Mama for me.
Thanks for the wonderful memories, love, support, and overall being a great sister.
I will always love you. 


Titmouse Inc.

I will be moving to Vancouver tomorrow to work at Titmouse as an animator! I'm super excited to start and move out for the first time to the other side of the country! This will be the start of an adventure! Wish me luck!

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Cuphead Release Date - September 29

This week during E3, Cuphead, the game that I worked on 2 summers ago, finally got a release date! YAAY! Super excited to play the final product! Worked on just a few of of the levels that are in this trailer and it's amazing to see some levels in the final stages that I saw only in early stages of development while I was there! 

Get excited! Pre - order it now on Xbox One and Windows 10. Also available on Steam!

I Graduated!

Sorry for the lack of posts that I said I would do, unfortunately something had unexpectedly come up that I'll be writing about soon.

Apart from that, last week on June 6th I had finally graduated from cartoon school! What a long journey it's been since I first attempted to get into the program in 2011 starting with Art Fundies at Sheridan. I can't believe that it's over and I can't believe I managed to get into my dream school since I was a kid and finish it off with a bang with my thesis film! It was a wonderful, life-changing experience and I'm glad to have worked and graduated alongside those in my year. They helped me get through these four years and I wouldn't have managed to do it without them.

Here's just a few pics, I don't want to overcrowd this post:

My brother and I :)

Time to update all my profiles now as a Sheridan Animation graduate!